Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Something typical..

A constant is something which never changes with time.
And conversely, a variable is something whose value keeps on changing from time to time.

I so many times heard and read  all the principles of Maths can be applied in Life.
( I don't have any idea whether doing that makes life simple or complex :P )

But the difference between a variable and a constant always amazed me for the reasons I donno :D

Now my doubt is, shud a man be constant or variable?
One can not stay the same frevr and at the same time we cant accpet if he/she kept on changing =))
Too typical fr me :P

I wish I can conclude this puzzle like question, by simply telling, as Life's a combo, everything comes together.

Life and death,
Joy and misery,
Beauty and ugliness,
Wisdom and naivety,
And Everything and nothing.

We need to accept the change cause it's the only thing unchanged in anyone's life.

We can stick to something, if changing that doesn't make any sense :)

However, accepting everything that comes our way and never once losing faith in ourselves is always the better way    

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