Saturday, April 21, 2012

One Truth We can not escape from..

The truth never set me free.

As simple as it appears, it's the most complicated line to perceive at the fullest.

Truth. Many seek it, few found it and fewer cherish it.

Staying tied to the truth is a task which requires most of our ability.
Sometimes it may be easier, sometimes not.

That raises questions.
Why it has to be so hard when it's that essential for every human being to live with?
Why can't it be easy to find and then to keep?
Why people suffered with and for it?

Whatever the problem at hand, I've my way of simplifying :D
Everything, as far as I'm concerned, leads to God, that's Sai for me 

God loves us more than we do Him. Much more.

We hardly remember Him where as He thinks of us every moment 

The least we can do is, being thankful to Him.

The more we understand this, the more we're bound to His eternal love, and that is truth.

And once joined hands with Him, we can never be parted 

God's all we should be striving for, and once achieved, there'd be nothing else which makes you equally serene, equally amazing and equally pleasing. There'd not be anything you want at all.

And this is the truth 

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